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Farm Updates

July 7, 2022

Barry Mosier

The field still has lots of big beautiful berries to get out and the flavor is still exceptional. That’s why we are still running our sale today at $2.25 a pound to try to get these beautiful berries out of the field.

We are open from 7 to 2 today unless we are picked out sooner. Be sure to call or check our website before you come if you come late in the morning or early afternoon today.

No pre-pick berries available.

Look forward to seeing you on the farm.

Final days + sale

Barry Mosier

We are amazed that our field is still loaded with good sized berries with exceptional flavor. We want to pass this blessing on to our customers in order to pick all these berries this week.

Starting Wednesday at 7 am we are going to run a sale on all you pick prices at $2.25 per pound for any quantity picked for the remainder of the season. We want these berries to be used by people and not to spoil in our field this weekend.

We will likely open Thursday at 7 AM Unless the field gets totally picked out Wednesday.

See you on the farm.

Barry and Marybeth

July 5, 2022

Barry Mosier

Again this is a picture of some of the last berries that were picked by someone on Sunday. Now more berries have ripened in the field so the picking today should be good. They are not as thick as they were earlier in the season but still people will be happy with the picking.

We open at 7am and will pick until at least 1pm possibly later. We will likely open Wednesday morning also and continue until the field is picked out for the season.

We are amazed that God keeps putting nice sized berries into this field!

Barry and Marybeth

Sunday, July 3 update

Barry Mosier

It is a beautiful morning and we open at 7am for people to come and pick their own berries. We are amazed that God keeps putting more berries into our field. Many of them are not yet ripe so today will not be the last day for picking for the season.

The picture is just a sampling of some of the bigger berries our grandchildren picked. The field is full of ripe berries and it should be an excellent day for picking.

We are not taking any more orders for prepicked berries.

Call or check our Facebook before you come, if you come later in the morning just in case we might be picked out for the day.

Look forward to seeing you on the farm Barry and Marybeth

July 1, 2022

Barry Mosier

Last night we scouted our field. We were amazed to find the field full of ripe fruit again and much of it very good sized. It should be a great day for picking and we are likely to be open this coming Sunday also. We are near the end of the season so don’t wait.