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Farm Updates

Barry Mosier

Hooray! Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 13) will be our u-pick opening for our early variety of strawberries (Wendy). Yesterday I allowed our best customer to come and pick for a while. She picked 95 pounds (see picture) and told me that they were good sized and of exceptional sweetness. Our main variety, Jewel will not be ripe until late this week. 

We do have picking containers, although you are welcome to bring your own. Children are welcome on our farm. Please make note of our new hours as we are open from 7am - 12pm weekdays. **But after 8am please do not come to pick unless you call or check our Facebook or website to make sure we are not picked out for the day.** 

We will offer a couple of evening times for picking, but not until our main variety is ripe. 

Our prepicked orders will be limited in the early part of the season. If you’d like to place your pre-picked order, call or text Barry 507-884-7246. 

We still have asparagus for sale also as well as some rhubarb, jam, short cakes and honey. 

Bring the family out for a fun time on the farm in ideal picking conditions. 

60687 205 Avenue 
Dodge Center, MN. 
Watch for the signs. 

Can’t wait to see you on the farm! 
Barry and Marybeth. 